Assistive Technology

What is Assistive Technology? 

IDEA defines assistive technology as “any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability. The term does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted or the replacement of such device.” 
AT can include “high tech” tools such as computer software, electronic spellers, dedicated voice output communication aids and reading/writing tools. “Low tech” tools include adapted books, picture symbols and adaptations for writing and self-help skills.
Click HERE for a a video overview of AT

Why is Assistive Technology important?

Assistive technology MUST be considered for every child/student on an IEP. 
Does the student need AT to . . .
• navigate/access the school environment?
• communicate?
• hear?
• participate socially?
• physically access print materials?
• decode/comprehend print materials?
• produce written material?
• access the computer?
• do math work?
• organize and study?
• take state and local tests?
• participate in recreation/physical education?
• participate in student activities?
• support vocational interests, work skills?
AT helps eliminate barriers to learning, provides students with support to optimize their learning and promotes inclusive practices.

What is the purpose of the Assistive Technology Speciality Team at ESU #1?

The goal of the Assistive Technology Specialty Team is to provide assistance to districts in the determination of a student’s need for assistive technology.
Services provided by the ESU #1 Assistive Technology team include assistive technology evaluations, consultations and short-term equipment loan.

Who is on the Assistive Technology Team? 

Stacey Richart,
Angie Hansen,
Kristine Kleve,
Rebecca Jepsen,
Ashley Tapper,

I should reach out to the Assistive Technology Team when . . .

• the IEP teams considers AT.
• preparing for IEP meetings.
• new students move into your district.
• questions arise with implementation of AT.
• I don’t know what questions to ask.

The Assistive Technology Team can help . . .

• provide innovation, leadership and service around AT.
• connect people with resources. 
• serve in a coaching role to work through what’s already been tried and moving into what to try next.
• make connections with Nebraska’s ATP Education Program for additional resources and supports.

Can I borrow Assistive Technology to try with my students?

Yes! The ATP Education Program offers EDUCATION.AT4ALL.COM, a free service that allows education programs to borrow equipment to support children and students receiving special education services. This service is available to members of a child’s IFSP or a student’s IEP team in Nebraska employed by or those who are contracted with a school/district/program from which the child/student is receiving special education services.
Create your account and/or request to borrow AT to try with your students